Thursday, February 16, 2012

more stuff?

Moving is always a good time to minimize, right?

Here is that list, edited and added to...
  1. laptop
  2. laptop case
  3. travel coffee mug
  4. Purse
  5. Wallet
  6. Sunglasses
  7. cell phone
  8. camera
  9. camera case
  10. camera/computer adapter
  11. roomba vacuum x2
  12. Nice winter gloves
  13. Winter coat
  14. cedar chest
  15. Home office desk
  16. Desk lamp
  17. Home office chair
  18. Car
  19. Hair dryer
  20. Toothbrush
  21. Razor
  22. flat iron
  23. hair brush
  24. Work out bag
  25. work out shirt
  26. Shorts
  27. casual brown shoes
  28. casual black shoes
  29. low clogs
  30. clogs with a heel
  31. crocs
  32. sandals
  33. Jeans x3
  34. jean shorts x3
  35. casual shirts x10 (some are for getting messy)
  36. dress shirts x 10 (some are for cruises and vacation)
  37. 2 skirts
  38. 1 dress
  39. one-sole sandals
  40. crochet hooks
  41. knitting needles
  42. box of yarn (I yearn for yarn)
  43. knitting machine
  44. my super comfy bed
  45. matching armoire
  46. two matching night stands
  47. blue oriental rug my mom gave me
  48. recliner
  49. couch
  50. footstool
  51. pecan sofa table
  52. large suitcase
  53. carry on suitcase
  54. tv
  55. tool box with small tools
  56. table saw
  57. miter saw
  58. piano
  59. jewelry chest
  60. and so on.....the list grows

Monday, May 25, 2009

My 100 Things

I am tired of the clutter. I get it from my mom. I gave it to my kids. Maybe I can make life simpler and have more time for the good things in life, so now I am taking the challenge of reducing my STUFF to 100 things. Without counting, I bet I have well more than 1000 things. Here is a list of what I am keeping.
  1. laptop
  2. laptop case
  3. travel coffee mug
  4. Purse
  5. Wallet
  6. Sunglasses
  7. cell phone
  8. camera
  9. camera case
  10. camera/computer adapter
  11. roomba vacuum x2
  12. Nice winter gloves
  13. Winter coat
  14. Suitcase
  15. Home office desk
  16. Desk lamp
  17. Home office chair
  18. Car
  19. Hair dryer
  20. Toothbrush
  21. Razor
  22. flat iron
  23. hair brush
  24. Work out bag
  25. work out shirt
  26. Shorts
  27. brown work pants
  28. black work pants
  29. khaki work pants
  30. green work pants
  31. black work pants
  32. casual brown shoes
  33. sandals
  34. Jeans x3
  35. jean shorts x3

  36. more to come